Building trust

When you’re working with a builder, trust is crucial. At Hendco, we manage every project with three fundamentals in mind: our attitude, our quality and our trades. This proven approach puts our clients’ needs first and provides the peace-of-mind that comes with knowing your project is in safe hands.


Our attitude
Presenting our clients with options and solutions is at the heart of what we do. It is our job to advise on costs and outcomes to help you make informed decisions that will deliver the result you want. Working closely and openly with our clients, we ensure you get the most from your budget throughout the entire process.


Our quality
Quality is more than just looks. It’s a combination of the right materials, fixings and application. We take the time to fully visualise the finished product before we start, to ensure every detail is completed to perfection. We even have a motto to help make this happen: “Start at the finish and work back to the start”.   


Our trades 
Any quality builder needs the right trades. Hendco has a network of impeccable tradespeople with the skills and work ethic to meet our meticulous standards. We pride ourselves on the long-term relationships we have built with all our trades, having worked with many of them for the best part of 30 years. All our tradespeople are well-mannered, respectful and courteous – an absolute must when working on your property, and around your family. 



Ready to discuss your next project?

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